Please pick ONE of the following prompts relating to UNIT 1 and write a detailed 150-350 word reflection, making sure you relate the writing prompt to what we have learned/discussed in class so far this semester. Adding relevant images and links will add more visual appeal to your blog post, so please do so. You will read your classmates responses at a later date and comment on their reflections so that you learn from others’ perspectives and hopefully gain multiple perspectives on the skills we are practicing in class.
Prompt Choices:
- COVER LETTER/RESUME –> What factors (current and future) impact an employer’s impression of you as a potential employee? How do we effectively communicate the alignment of our values, goals, and experiences with a prospective organization’s vision?
- AMERICAN LITERATURE –> How does American literature offer a critique of the society in which it is produced? How can we construct an analysis of a single text in a timed setting?
- AMERICAN FILM –> How does film depict literature accurately? How do movie scenes help showcase important book scenes? How can movies ruin book scenes?