1. Edublog Challenge Class List: http://studentchallenge.edublogs.org/march-2017-classes/
Link to OUR class Blog http://mrsmaslowski.edublogs.org/
2. Edublog Challenge 1 was to Create/Update your About Me Page. You should have done that a while ago. Edublog Challenge 2 is Commenting http://studentchallenge.edublogs.org/2017/03/12/week-2-learning-to-comment-well/
For this challenge, you need to create a video or a short blog about tips on commenting:
–Think about your use of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, etc) How should you respond to people publicly and how should you NOT respond to people publicly?
–Give some guidelines on what everyone needs to know about commenting on blogs or peer papers or social media, etc.
–Some examples could include:
-Top 10 Things you Should NEVER post on social media (make it serious or funny)
-Top 10 Things you Should understand before commenting on someone’s Social Media Post
(Here’s an example of a Very Good Blog Post on this topic: http://per2nick.edublogs.org/2017/04/04/edu-blog-challenge-2-comments/ )
3. Visit these blogs and leave comments on at least 3 student blog posts.
Edublog Challenge Week 2: Commenting/Posting on Social Media